16 February 2024
10 a.m. – 18 p.m. – Aula Seminari SPS, Via Passione 13, Milano
The workshop is organized as part of the PRIN2020 Project “MOBS Mobilities, solidarities and imaginaries across the borders: the mountain, the sea, the urban and the rural as spaces of transit and encounters”, created by UniGE, UniMI, UniPD, UniPR and UniOR, with the patronage of the HORIZON2020 “Ithaca” Project.
The event also falls within the scope of the activities of the PNRR Ecosistema Project “MUSA” (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action) – Spoke 6 “Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Societies” – WP 2.3.2 “Integration and acceptance of children and families of foreign origin”.