Gender-based Violence around the World

November 22, 2023
5.00 pm – SPAZIO MUSA

MUSA – Spoke #6
Human Rights HUB

Coordinator Professor Marilisa D’Amico

Gender-based Violence around the World


Keynote Speech:

Dolores Morondo Taramundi, Professor of Instituto
de Derechos Humanos – Universidad de Deusto


Marilisa D’Amico, Deputy Rector for legality, transparency, rights and equality,

Full Professor of constitutional law, Department of Italian and supranational public law

Francesca Poggi, Full Professor of philosophy of law,
Department of law “Cesare Beccaria”

Irene Pellizzone, Associate Professor of constitutional law,
Department of italian and supranational public law

Costanza Nardocci, Research Fellow of constitutional law,
Department of italian and supranational public law

November 22, 2023, 5 p.m.

Spazio MUSA, Cortile Legnaia,
University of Milan,
via Festa del Perdono 7

For further information:

Organizational committee: Constance Nardocci

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Young Academy for Gender Policies – Let’s Generate New Gender Culture