W Leadership – Second episode
W Leadership is the format dedicated to inclusion in business. To turn discrimination into concrete action.
W Leadership was created to tell, through research, data, interviews and direct testimonies the path of a woman from studies to the world of work, to leadership. With a constructive and positive approach, open to the future and serving the new generations.
The second episode hosts Kathleen Lemmens order of lawyers Association of Milan and Brussels, speakers include journalists Jole Saggese and Giulia Pessani, Marilisa D’Amico, Pro-Director Delegate for Legality, Transparency and Equal Rights and Full Professor of Constitutional Law at Università degli Studi di Milano, Elio Franzini, Rector of the University of Milan remotely connected.
Leadership airs on ClassCnbc/Sky 507 and streamed on Milanofinanza.it and the ClassCnbc app.
empatia e AI per superare il gender gap.
Gli interventi di Marilisa D’Amico, prorettrice Unimi; Elio Franzini, rettore Unimi; Maria Pia Abbracchio, prorettrice vicaria Unimi; Valeria Sandei, ad Almawave
trasparenza, coraggio e sostenibilità
Gli interventi di Alessandra Ricci, ad Sace, e Marilisa D’Amico, prorettrice Unimi