Lorenzo Franceschetti

Researcher in Forensic Medicine
In Human Hall, he oversees the Right to Identity project, the Migration and Human rights project and the Integration and acceptance of children and families of foreign origins project
He is a forensic physician for the Sexual and Domestic Violence Relief Service at the Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan. He was medical director of the hospital unit of Forensic Medicine at ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia. He holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Brescia and a specialization in Forensic Medicine from the University of Milan. At the University of Brescia, in collaboration with the University of Milan, he obtained a PhD degree in Medi cal-Forensic Sciences. His field of activity and research is mainly in the areas of Clinical Forensic Medicine and Humanitarian Forensic Medicine. He is currently collaborating with Doctors Without Borders in a project aimed at the early identification of violence victims and torture among migrants arriving in our country.
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09.00 AM – Aula Malliani – University of Milano, via Festa del Perdono 7
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02.00 PM – Aula Malliani – University of Milano, via Festa del Perdono 7
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