Paola Pannia

Assistant Professor in the Italian and Supranational Public Law Department
In Human Hall, she monitors the project Migration and Human Rights and the Inclusion Index project
Assistant Professor in the Italian and Supranational Public Law Department in the Università di Milano, Paola Pannia deals mainly with topic concerning the immigration law, the protection of cultural minorities and the judicial reasoning, following a comparative perspective. After earning her Ph.D. in “People and legal protection” in the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, she worked as a research fellow in the Università di Firenze and as a consultant in the UNHCR and the ong Defence for Children, taking part to plenty of projects of national and international research regarding minors’ rights, foreigners’ rights, and immigration governance. She was a visiting researcher in King’s College, in the City University in London, in the Utrecht University and in the University College Roosevelt too. Since 2012 she has been working as a lawyer, volunteering at the legal desk of the Associazione Progetto Arcobaleno.
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