All Human Hall projects


The European Union moves towards a “sustainable revolution” through a complex regulatory framework that will commit the member countries to guarantee the companies’ transition to the ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance). Environmental and social impact and business governance become central. All the Italian companies are called to face this irreversible process. The project aims to realize short videos in which companies tell their successful stories and the advantages given by a sustainable approach. In the age of knowledge sharing, sharing experiences and testimonies is crucial to favor the diffusion of good practice and face together the challenge of sustainability. 

On Human Hall’s SUSTAINABLE CHANNEL, we have collected interviews to tell you about best practices on inclusion from some leading companies.

Paths to Inclusion – Discover the Clips

The Clips with English subtitles are available at the following link.

Introduction by
Pro-Rector Marilisa

The responsibility
to innovate

Acque Bresciane

Every person counts,
every drop counts


as a resource


Wellness and
sustainable development


The choice
of inclusion

Digital Magics

Creativity, talent
and technology


The richness
of diversity

Fondazione Adecco

Know, welcome,

Gruppo 24 ORE

for the community

Gruppo Nestlé

When value
is shared

Poste Italiane

is innovation


of wellness

Tetra Pak

Speak up!


From me to us



Silvia Angeloni


Speaks Silvia Angeloni, Associate Professor in Corporate Economic

How did the idea of the project “Sustainable Channel” come about?

Sustainability is becoming the new normality. It is an unstoppable revolution. Companies will have to incorporate this dimension soon, since it is becoming more and more important in the European Community Legislation too. For the large public interest entities, the sustainability accounting obligations are already related to those businesses which ended Dec.31, 2024. However, with more or less up-close deadlines, small and medium companies will be called to give sustainable information too. This can happen indirectly, when they are part of the chain of companies forced to the sustainability accounting, or directly, when they are listed.
Therefore, the sustainability report will be an integral part of the accountability, next to the economic and financial situation. Sustainability is not an option anymore; it is an essential requirement to act and create value. Companies, to be competitive, must satisfy the stakeholders instances, which are ethically always more and more advanced: the success based on a paroxysmal logic of profit is something of ephemeral.

Environmental Sustainability and Social Sustainability: they are both relevant for companies…

They are essential. Sustainability is made of three pillars, summed up in the acronym ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. So, the environmental, social, and sustainable governance factors must be embedded in the business models. First, sustainability requires respect of human rights, enhancement of diversities, inclusion, and gender equality.
Overall, it concerns what the company does for the wellness of its own employees and the community itself, starting from the corporate welfare.
The underlying condition is that guaranteeing the wellness of all the employees is the first step that every company should take, before every other broad range act of responsibility.
Maybe it is a silent step, but fundamental since it is not possible to act well outside the company if we don’t act well inside of it first.

Which are the goals of the Sustainable Channel?

Today is important to know, to knowhow, to let people know, so to communicate which are the important actions that the company does to cope with the common challenge of sustainability. The Sustainable Channel is developed with this goal: to allow companies to tell their own sustainable policies and their positive impact on employees, clients, suppliers, and society. The project wants to “speak” in a concrete and direct way, interviewing businessman and business managers. To spread good practice can help other companies that have not embraced a sustainable approach yet, to question themselves, to understand how they could reorganize, reconvert, and adapt to irreversible processes of change. It is an opportunity to encourage discussion and comparison, also for those who are still skeptical or unprepared, to improve, implement and – why not- emulate some ideas.

Why is it so important to tell and divulge?

It is important to tell new practices because then they can be emulated. Listen to them through the story of a company is more believable. Businessmen and business managers are the best witnesses of a sustainable act. Being sustainable creates a virtuous circle, many studies prove that sustainable companies can reach better results in the typical economic-financial metrics. So, sustainability is good both for the company and the whole universe around it. It doesn’t mean to sacrifice goals, but to put them in a new context, to reach together common targets.

Which companies will be involved?

First, we will interview more structured companies, but then we are open to every kind of company that wants to tell its story. Every company, according to its dimension and resources, can and must take part to the sustainable revolution: banks, large societies, PMI, every one of us too. Every citizen, also as a simple consumer, plays a small role (or power) into this sustainable journey: to buy, for instance, only products and services realized in a sustainable way and by those companies that follow and spread ESG factors. Multimedia tools are powerful services to create and spread a collective inclusive and sustainable culture.

Which is the added value of such a project as Human Hall, able to involve different fields and skills?

“Diversity” is a precious word, that allow us to prove new inspirations, and so to learn new things. Collaboration among people with different scientific-disciplinary backgrounds is the bond to create a good inclusion in a society made by different expertise and people. I often tell my students to live different experiences and to hang out with various people, because this is the only way to enrich themselves both humanly and professionally, and so being inclusive and creative. The Human Hall multidisciplinary approach is the key that allow us to complete the puzzle of the sustainability. It requires time, energy, ability to listen and confrontation, but it is a fundamental step.

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