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This project aims to create a path that will guide organizations to the gender equality certificate, building an inclusive culture considering the directions of the Law n.162 of 2021.
A specific team will also carry out a comparative research in order to understand how the equality indicators are used in other European countries.



Associations, cultural organizations, foundations, companies that support the Human Hall project




INTERVIEW WITH MARILISA D’AMICO – Pro-rector of the Third Mission and Equal Rights

Which news emerged with the Law 162/2021?

First, the law 162/2021 affects the gender certification. It is a “reward” stipulated by the article 4, that affects both private and public companies, regardless of their dimensions. 

Secondly, the law introduces a requirement for both public and private companies with more than 500 employees: they have to edit, every two years, a report on the balance between male and female employees in their business. The reason behind this report is to promote transparency. 

This law is implemented in the “Guidelines on the management of gender equality through the adoption of specific KPI (Key Performances Indicator) related to Gender Equality Policies in organizations”, which defines the necessary requirements to access to the gender equality certification. 

Which are the steps in the path to the gender certification? 

In order for public and private companies to access successfully to the gender certification they need to develop an authentic inclusive transition. A “certifiable” change conform to the guidelines must be based on a management strategy, a development plan and a communication strategy adherent to the topic of gender equality. Everything must be joined by a proper tracking of the practices. Another important step is to promote gender equality training in companies.

What changes can produce the gender certification at company level?

The gender certification, and so the “measurement” of gender equality, helps those companies that are properly guided to an “inclusive” transition and to a shift in their actions, according to the gender equality friendly policies. It is well known that a gender equality respectful economy is beneficial for the whole society. 

How can the university help in the development of inclusive gender equality-oriented trainings? Which are the main topics?

UniMi plays a fundamental role in the promotion of a scientific gender equality-oriented culture. The University moves from a juridical context: starting from the constitutional law it is possible to appreciate the binding nature of the principle of equality and non-discrimination in companies, with reference to gender equality as well. UniMi not only studied the legislation of the law 162 of 2021, but also promoted an advanced course about the news introduced by the law of 2021 – “Gender cultures and strategies to promote equality in companies and public administrations”.

Which news emerged with the Law 162/2021?

First, the law 162/2021 affects the gender certification. It is a “reward” stipulated by the article 4, that affects both private and public companies, regardless of their dimensions. 

Secondly, the law introduces a requirement for both public and private companies with more than 500 employees: they have to edit, every two years, a report on the balance between male and female employees in their business. The reason behind this report is to promote transparency. 

This law is implemented in the “Guidelines on the management of gender equality through the adoption of specific KPI (Key Performances Indicator) related to Gender Equality Policies in organizations”, which defines the necessary requirements to access to the gender equality certification. 

Which are the steps in the path to the gender certification? 

In order for public and private companies to access successfully to the gender certification they need to develop an authentic inclusive transition. A “certifiable” change conform to the guidelines must be based on a management strategy, a development plan and a communication strategy adherent to the topic of gender equality. Everything must be joined by a proper tracking of the practices. Another important step is to promote gender equality training in companies.

What changes can produce the gender certification at company level?

The gender certification, and so the “measurement” of gender equality, helps those companies that are properly guided to an “inclusive” transition and to a shift in their actions, according to the gender equality friendly policies. It is well known that a gender equality respectful economy is beneficial for the whole society. 

How can the university help in the development of inclusive gender equality-oriented trainings? Which are the main topics?

UniMi plays a fundamental role in the promotion of a scientific gender equality-oriented culture. The University moves from a juridical context: starting from the constitutional law it is possible to appreciate the binding nature of the principle of equality and non-discrimination in companies, with reference to gender equality as well. UniMi not only studied the legislation of the law 162 of 2021, but also promoted an advanced course about the news introduced by the law of 2021 – “Gender cultures and strategies to promote equality in companies and public administrations”.


Interview with Lorenza Violini, full professor of Constitutional Right, and Giada Ragone, assistant professor of Constitutional Right

Why is an index able to measure inclusion necessary?

Ragone – Measuring inclusion is useful to identify the best standards to apply. Our project analyses the inclusion indexes in a comparative way: we consider the experiences of the other legislations to identify the best practices and models, trying to understand how inclusion indexes could be applied in the working world, especially for people with disabilities. It could be the basis to build reward mechanisms, both on a regional and national level, as in the case of the law 162 of 2021 on gender certification.

The index is a precious tool. However, after having analyzed and built it, which are its goals?

Violini – The job that we have developed is very ambitious: everything we do must arrive to practical solutions. This is what is often missing: the last mile. The job must not limit to the research but must bring concrete benefits. We must respond to civil society, considering the huge investment that,  through the PNRR, supports the project. The ambition is to build something that helps us to solve problems. This is not just a goal: it is a method. 

Which could be the positive effects of an inclusion certificate?

Ragone – Many studies prove that in companies, successful social responsibility polices favor a positive return. But there are important effects on the community too. Helping people with disabilities to be part of a working and social community doesn’t mean only helping them to be fulfilled, but it means helping them to be autonomous from welfare systems, which have significant costs  for society. The individual path is intertwined with the one of the communities. 

In order to reach these goals, how much is it important to be part of a Hub like Human Hall?

Ragone – The more complex the problems studied are, the more important to follow a holistic and interdisciplinary approach is. We deeply analyze specific aspects of broad issues, but the problems are not something separated. They are all connected. Human Hall allows us to enrich the exchange. For example, in the Inclusion Index it is essential to understand the juridical direction about inclusion. That’s why the collaboration with the permanent Juridical Monitoring Centre on the anti-discriminatory legislation, coordinated by Professor Arconzo, is fundamental.

Violini – We must learn to be deeply coordinated. We cannot do our job alone in a library, we need a constant confrontation. Sharing is fundamental when we speak about the research too. The value of Human Hall transcends the single projects. 

Why is an index able to measure inclusion necessary?

Ragone – Measuring inclusion is useful to identify the best standards to apply. Our project analyses the inclusion indexes in a comparative way: we consider the experiences of the other legislations to identify the best practices and models, trying to understand how inclusion indexes could be applied in the working world, especially for people with disabilities. It could be the basis to build reward mechanisms, both on a regional and national level, as in the case of the law 162 of 2021 on gender certification.

The index is a precious tool. However, after having analyzed and built it, which are its goals?

Violini – The job that we have developed is very ambitious: everything we do must arrive to practical solutions. This is what is often missing: the last mile. The job must not limit to the research but must bring concrete benefits. We must respond to civil society, considering the huge investment that,  through the PNRR, supports the project. The ambition is to build something that helps us to solve problems. This is not just a goal: it is a method. 

Which could be the positive effects of an inclusion certificate?

Ragone – Many studies prove that in companies, successful social responsibility polices favor a positive return. But there are important effects on the community too. Helping people with disabilities to be part of a working and social community doesn’t mean only helping them to be fulfilled, but it means helping them to be autonomous from welfare systems, which have significant costs  for society. The individual path is intertwined with the one of the communities. 

In order to reach these goals, how much is it important to be part of a Hub like Human Hall?

Ragone – The more complex the problems studied are, the more important to follow a holistic and interdisciplinary approach is. We deeply analyze specific aspects of broad issues, but the problems are not something separated. They are all connected. Human Hall allows us to enrich the exchange. For example, in the Inclusion Index it is essential to understand the juridical direction about inclusion. That’s why the collaboration with the permanent Juridical Monitoring Centre on the anti-discriminatory legislation, coordinated by Professor Arconzo, is fundamental.

Violini – We must learn to be deeply coordinated. We cannot do our job alone in a library, we need a constant confrontation. Sharing is fundamental when we speak about the research too. The value of Human Hall transcends the single projects. 

Marilisa D’Amico, Lorenza Violini, Giada Ragone

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Young Academy for Gender Policies – Let’s Generate New Gender Culture